
Monday, July 7, 2014

Hello World!
Introductions and Caveats

Today marks the start of my datamancy blog. The purpose of this blog is to serve as an academic jot-pad/notebook to contain my thoughts primarily on data science, bioinformatics, technology, and a healthy serving of other trivia that I encounter in my work and studies. I will try to avoid complete self-indulgence but at the present moment the content presented here is for myself primarily. However1, I hope anyone who stumbles upon this site will find something interesting2.

Through this blog I will hopefully present a number of hobby analyses I have and will be conducting with code and instructions for interested readers. I also plan to present of lay-person explanations of "big-data" techniques I have been and will be using. I find simplifying and writing-out algorithms has always helped me to understand them, and my explanations may help you.

I have chosen the term datamancy for my blog which requires some explanation. The suffix -mancy is used to indicate divination by means of whatever precedes it, in this case data. I believe that one of the most important concerns for anyone involved with data is the ability to accurately predict the the behavior of a system in the future or under some potential conditions, in other words, divination through data.

Well that concludes my introduction and caveats, I hope you'll stay tuned for more content, or check out newer posts if you are reading this in the future. The next post will be an introduction to my data-mining and analysis project looking at how best to stock a bar given a bottle limit!


1 So I just checked to make sure it's generally appropriate to use "however" to start a sentence, according to "The Elements of Style" it is not, but more modern style guides say it's ok. Check out this link for more details

2 For example, check out footnote 1 for a neat discussion of when and how to use the word "however". the more you know!

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